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Image by Mediamodifier

Created By Scotland Yard Detectives

Cases To Be Solved

You Are The Detective

About The Detective Games Club

An Interactive Investigative Experience

Created by former New Scotland Yard Detectives these fictitious crimes allow you to play the part of a detective involved in the investigation. By examining the material available and identifying the evidence you will have all the information you need to solve the case.

In the fictional county of Goltonshire and through a variety of gaming options The Detective Games Club allows you to be as involved as you wish to be with our cases.


You can review a case and conduct a virtual interview with a suspect, you can receive a case file of evidence to solve a case in your home or you can immerse yourself in the role of an SIO and make every decision in a murder investigation whilst managing your staff, budget and external resources.  

Finally, there is the option to be part of a live event where you can compete against other teams in solving a murder case, learn fingerprint techniques and develop your understanding of forensic priorities and exhibit handling?  


Crime Scene Investigator
Our Games

Our Virtual Games

Offering you the opportunity to be a Detective. Over two phases you firstly research the case and the evidence and then, when ready, you book a virtual interview with the suspect and try and solve the case by asking the right questions.

Interview a Murder Suspect

Research, Prepare & Conduct An Interview With The Suspect




There has been a murder and a suspect has been arrested. You are tasked with conducting the interview. You need to research the evidence. Can you get a confession?

Derelict Church

"Did He Do It?"

A gang member has been fatally stabbed in a derelict church. The blood trail led to a friend being arrested with a stab injury to his hand. Did he kill the victim? You are conducting the interview and must find out!

Kidnap Suspect

Conduct An Urgent Interview & Locate The Kidnap Victim

A male has been kidnapped off the street and has managed to escape. He states his friend was kidnapped with him. You must conduct an urgent interview with the suspect to locate the other victim. Can you save him?

Our Case File Games

Our Case File Games

You have the opportunity here to solve a case at home on your own or as a part of a team. On receipt of your "Confidential" Case File you should unpack the evidence, review all the material and attempt to solve the case. Can you identify the criminal?

Murder in the Woods Game Photo.HEIC

Unpack the evidence file, review the case material and solve the murder.

There has been a murder there are a number of suspects. You must look for clues, identify the mistakes and find the person responsible for the crime.  

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In Development

This game is currently in development. If you have any suggestions for future scenarios then please let us know at:


Book A Live Event

The Murder Investigation Experience


Get in Touch

If you would like to discuss attending an event or having the team attend your location.

Thanks for submitting!

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